Working to beat the rain


Helped my spouse with some garden work today. It was mostly moving mulch that we purchased last year, 4 yards worth. If I had to guess we started that day somewhere between 2 or 3 yards of mulch in the pile. At the end of our work it is around 2 yards.

I also cleaned out the gutters for the porch on our house. The second story gutters and warehouse gutters are way more risky and involve a bit more safety gear.

Once again I had forgot to add salt to the dough I prepped last night. It turned out ok. I add some more water and flour into it and kneaded it in. I took half the dough and fried it up. Everyone liked it and it did have enough salt in it. The rest I shaped into baguette/batard shapes. They didn't get baked until after dinner. They turned out ok. Too dense to be something a proper baguette.

I'm going to try to make some sourdough pancakes tomorrow. So I'll need to make up the batter before I go to bed tonight.

We had thought the rain was gonna arrive some time around noon. It seems to have started raining some time before I started writing this post, just before 9pm eastern.

All in all a good day. Just enough work to get worn out and just enough relaxation to call it a weekend.