Day 973 #MyCuneiformTablets

To my lord
what Ilī-ištakal says:
“1 2-wheeled transport wagon
give out to me,” I said to him,
but he did not give to me;
as to his sending out,
in Kibabbara,
in the house of Bazizi,
1 2-wheeled transport wagon
is available;
my own man saw it!
After his (my lord’s) messenger
has returned,
may he (my lord) have him (Bazizi) give it to me!
His (my lord’s) strong servant am I;
come now, may my gut be happy!
The written document of this case
should be before him (Bazizi)!
In this way to his mind
it should this be made clear!
Then I will myself make his (my lord’s) gut happy!

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