Day 1079 #MyCuneiformTablets

Huh, this seems to be a legal contract for a gift

1 female slave (named) Aštumu;
1 adolescent slave, her son,
Taklāku-ana-marduk (is) his name;
1 adolescent slave (named)
(is all) that Tarībatum, overseer of Amurru
son of Ilšu-bāni,
to Ilassunu his wife
has given.
As long as Ilassunu,
the wife of Tarībatum overseer of Amurru,
the female slave, Aštumu,
together with Taklāku-ana-marduk
and Šalli-lūmur
she (lit. her hand) will hold
from among her sons, to the one she pleases

she will give (and) her brothers will not contest her.
(That) he will not change this contract of him,
by the name of Šamaš, Aya, Marduk9. u3 sa-am-su2-di-ta-na lugal-e in-pa3
and Samsu-ditana the king, he swore.
Before Adad-manšum, military officer;
before Iddin-ištar, judge;
before Šamaš-bāni, judge;
before Awil-šamaš, judge;
before Muḫaddûm, diviner;
before Šallurum, the scribe.
The month of Addarum, the day n,
the year in which Samsu-ditana the king for Nabu, the august ruler, brought into Esagil a statue of himself marching.
son of Šamaš-na...
servant of Samsu-ditana

clay tablet