Day 1243 #MyCuneiformTablets

2 boats of 40 gur at 1 ban2 (rent per day);
its skippers piloting for 32 days,
its barley: 2 gur 4 ban2
boat with barley loading in Nippur;
2 boats of 30 gur at 5 sila3 (rent per day),
for 15 days, its barley: 2 barig 3 ban2,
boat with barley, to the tower(?);
2 boats of 60 gur at 1 ban2 6 sila3 (rent per day),
its skippers piloting
for 25 days, new barley,
its barley: 2 gur 3 barig 2 ban2;
toward Ur with charcoal was set;
via Aḫūni, the royal messenger;
1 boat of 40 gur at 1 ban2 2 sila3 (rent per day),
its skippers piloting
for 15 days, its barley: 3 barig;
toward Ur, fish, vegetables, oil and dates were set.

clay tablet