Day 975 #MyCuneiformTablets

2 gur 4 sutu barley of Itti-Šamaš-balāṭu,
son of Labaši, from the barley
of Bel-eṭēru-Nabu
now against
Rimut, son of
Ahušunu; in Ayaru
the barley in its capital amount
in Larsa
at the gate of the storehouse
he shall repay. Witnesses:
Nergal-ina-teši-eṭir, son of Balāssu;
Ea-šum-ibni, son of Kudurri;
Silim-ilī, son of Labaši;
and the scribe Nabu-mukin-apli,
son of Marduk-erēš,
descendant of Re’i-alpi; Larsa,
of Nisanu the 4th day,
39th year of
Nebuchadnezzar, the king.

clay tablet