Lazy Saturday


I made some waffles for breakfast this morning. I fed my sourdough starter a bit extra last night. I took the discarded portion of my sourdough starter when I fed it this morning and added some crushed up sugar cubes. The resulting waffles were...very pale but still cooked and tasty. More savory than anything.

I handwashed some pots and pans while I was making coffee for me spouse and letting the waffle batter rest.

After breakfast I poked some more at some code for a post on my other blog. Some friends were kind enough to do a quick code review that I think better it better.

Did some garden bed planning. We are adding a second raised bed in a different location. It will be interesting to see how this one compares to the first bed.

I took a nap, which was nice.

I also did some sketching for a table for my gaming room. Mostly the legs and how I want to make them.

I did minimal helping my youngest make dinner. She did well.

Then I just watched some youtube, put the kids to bed, make a preferment for some pizza later this week, and got this post ready.

Oh, and I lamented people's reaction to stay at home orders and the incompetent or uncaring Trump adiminstration's handling of their covid19 response.